From November 30 to December 11, 2015, the Elior group will be putting its teams into action to provide catering services to the 45,000 daily conference participants at Paris-Le Bourget. For this major international event, Elior designed a variety of food service offerings combining taste, pleasure and convenience while demonstrating the Group's commitment to the environment: responsible sourcing, campaigns to develop awareness of climate change issues among employees, and initiatives to fight food waste.
International leader in the catering sector, every day Elior welcomes, feeds and cares for more than 3.8 million people working in such demanding sectors as healthcare, education, business, transportation and entertainment. In accordance with the Charter for Responsible Food Services, required under COP21 standards, Elior has introduced offerings designed to guarantee the best use of resources throughout the food chain.
Varied, high-quality meals for all tastes
As the largest diplomatic event ever organized in France, the COP21 will offer Elior teams an operational challenge. To meet organizers' extremely exacting standards and welcome the 45,000 daily participants in the best possible conditions, Elior will rely on its central kitchens in Gonesse and Goussainville, and call on more than 300 employees to ensure optimum service throughout the event.
Designed by Elior, this large-scale catering plan will include:
- A restaurant featuring chefs from Elior's finest establishments (Louvre Museum restaurants, Les Ombres restaurant in the Musée du Quai Branly, Le Ciel de Paris restaurant in the Tour Montparnasse and more);
- Theme-based lodges offering soups and crepes, along with heartier fare such as raclette and tartiflette;
- A Paul bakery complete with a bread oven;
- Pop-up restaurants: Italian cuisine, Asian cuisine and sandwich bar;
- Three restaurants to highlight French regional specialties;
- A dozen coffee and snack carts.
Responsible catering to rise to the climate change challenge
In accordance with the COP21 Food Service Charter, Elior designed a responsible offering focused on best practices for the planet:
- Reduction of the catering carbon footprint thanks to procurement initiatives favoring short supply circuits and local producers from the Paris Region;
- Responsible product choices: fish from sustainable fisheries, non-GMO foods, certified organic or fair trade products;
- An extensive waste-sorting system and a goal of “zero plastic” by reducing packaging to the bare minimum and opting for biodegradable receptacles;
- No disposable cups, use of reusable eco-cups;
- Donation of all unsold products to charities in the Paris Region, with the support of the “Chaînon Manquant” association.
Elior's commitments to sustainability
For more than 10 years, Elior has been committed to socially and environmentally responsible practices. The Group signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2004. As a responsible caterer, Elior is particularly devoted to the following commitments:
Responsible sourcing : Elior is committed to preserving fish populations by refusing to use protected species and promoting sustainable fishing practices. Elior is a founding member of the Responsible Fishing Alliance (RFA), an organization dedicated to sustainable management of fish resources.Elior also takes a geographic approach to procurement, supporting local supply initiatives and producers located in the regions where the Group is active. In particular, Elior has more than 11,000 referenced local producers in France.
A responsible employer : to guarantee its clients receive a warm welcome and the finest service, Elior relies on the expertise and savoir-faire of 106,000 employees all over the world. All teams are trained in eco-friendly behaviors. Elior has also created a specific training program focused on climate change issues. The Group is the first catering company to develop and provide its teams with a carbon measurement tool.
Fight against food waste : a signatory of the French National Pact to Prevent Food Waste, Elior ensures its teams follow best practices in every step of the food chain: in the kitchen, in restaurants and in the dishes they prepare. This means first and foremost guaranteeing healthy and delectable products, because “The better it is, the less gets wasted.” In the kitchen, it also means promoting responsible cooking practices. Finally, the restaurants, it means offering reasonable servings and raising awareness among guests (“Antigaspi” (No waste) workshops have helped to raise awareness among more than half-a-million children since 2010). Elior is also committed to donating unsold products to charities through its partnership with the “Tablée des Chefs” association.