With more than 133,000 positions within the Group, there are many opportunities for employees to change site, region, market segment, position or profession.
Our key figures
When a position becomes vacant, we give priority to our internal candidates.

60 %
of managerial positions worldwide were filled via internal mobility in 2022-2023
Examples of actions taken
Testimony of a regional manager in the UK
“My career progression with Elior has been aided through the support and guidance of my Operations Managers and Regional Directors, they helped me develop through one to one training and I attended a number of excellent courses run by the learning and development team. This along with my eagerness to develop and advance has contributed to me being able to grow my career within Elior.”
— Gill Heath
Regional Managing Director at Elior UK

Some examples of our actions
Knowing how to benefit from each encounter and each interaction with our colleagues, as well as to listen, question, share and communicate, is enriching for all of us. At Elior, you will find face-to-face or on-line courses, enabling you to further your career path; solutions that will make you feel at ease in your present job and pave the way for your future development.