very day more than 3 million people rely on Elior to serve them meals. Every day, at more than 2,400 sites across the world, Elior ensures a safe and healthy environment. You can count on us to do our jobs well, because we are with you, every day.
We make sure all of our guests, in all our catering facilities — from nursery schools to big companies, from hospitals to universities, from city centres to rural communities — get what they need. We serve balanced, nutritious and tasty meals, and leaders at our food-service facilities are constantly inventing ways to provide friendlier service and to keep up with changing times, at the fairest of prices.
The services we provide — from cleaning, to reception, to maintenance and technical work — convey consistent proof of our high quality standards and our desire to put our clients’ minds at ease.
As a responsible caterer and service operator, we work with a view to a future that includes all of our stakeholders: from our employees, who can count on us to advance their careers, to our suppliers, local producers, and all those who are with us on our quest for innovation. Our sense of responsibility encompasses customers and guests, but also environmental resources, which we are committed to respecting at every level of our business.
We strive to make sure our company grows sustainably, responsibly and inclusively. Because that is the kind of growth that best serves society.
Activity Report 2022

Sustainable, responsible, inclusive: growth in the service of society
Underpinned by a strategy built around innovation and corporate social responsibility, Elior is a world leader in contract catering and support services.
Twice as ready
In 2021, in each of our businesses we have embarked on a deepseated transformation, with new solutions and offerings which we are rolling out at many of our clients, once again demonstrating our pioneering approach to innovation. It is by leveraging our industry-leading position in terms of CSR that we can stand out from our competitors.
Good for me, for us, for all
Our ambition is to reinvent our business as a social caterer so that we can respond effectively to three major concerns of our guests, which have been further accentuated by the pandemic: is what I eat healthy and tasty, and is it good for me? Secondly, will eating also be a pleasurable opportunity for togetherness, and will it be good for us?
Nurture tomorrow
In the 2017-2018 activity report, we focused on Elior clear mission: act today to nurture tomorrow. The Elior commitments are : EDUCATE tomorrow’s adults; provide extra CARE for our guests and co-workers, CONVINCE and bring people on board, and ACCELERATE to advance our professions. This is why we want to put the spotlight on our employees, and highlight their skills and daily commitment in each of the 6 countries where Elior has operations, employees face multiple, daily challenges along with absolute priorities. Now more than ever, nourishing the future means transforming today's habits.
We are family!
In the 2017-2018 activity report, we focused on how Elior takes on board the diverse needs of our guests and clients, by responsibly combining culinary know-how with operational excellence and unceasing innovation. With our 132,000 employees we work together as a family to take care of every one, all day, every day. We are family!
The break
Our 2016-2017 activity report is dedicated to the break. What are people looking for at break times? Obviously the answer isn’t the same for everyone.
Digital is now a key ingredient in the recipe for success, as shown on the cover of our 2015-2016 activity report. Already ahead of schedule one year after the launch of our 2020 strategy, we take this opportunity to explore three up-and-coming food trends: naturalness, breaks and digital.