For Elior Group Solidarities, the purpose of this Solidarity Day is to showcase the associations it supports, involve Group employees in the company’s commitment and initiate an internal solidarity movement. 1,200 staff at the Group head office will be invited to meet the associations in question and to participate in:

A professional-clothing donation for La Cravate Solidaire
La Cravate Solidaire provides suitable professional attire and job-interview coaching with a view to combating appearance-related discrimination and facilitating access to employment

An essential-product donation for La Maison de l’Amitié
La Maison de l’Amitié is a daytime reception center for people in great need and/or isolated living in, or passing through, La Défense.

A photo exhibition and Syrian cooking workshop organized with the Refugee Food Festival to raise public awareness to the plight of refugees
Backed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Refugee Food Festival entrusts restaurant kitchens to refugee chefs in a bid to:
- foster a change in public perception of refugees by valuing their talents and culinary heritage,
- speed up the professional integration of refugee chefs by offering them a springboard to employment,
- mobilize people by creating food tasting events enabling them to discover and savor new tastes.

A workshop organized with Handiamo! to raise public awareness to disabled sports
Handiamo! is a social business dedicated to disabled sports which organizes sports events and conferences to raise awareness to the issue of disability. The aim is to help change public perception and bridge the gap between disabled and enabled communities.
Group employees will also have the opportunity to discover the associations A Petits Pas Pour Lina, which raises child awareness to the issue of disability, and Tandem Réfugiés, which promotes the integration of people having attained refugee status in France.