Operating in conjunction with RETREAT, a brand that enjoys tremendous success in Denmark, Areas has been able to fulfil the expectations of Copenhagen Airport which is reputed for the quality of its shopping areas and was elected the World’s Best Airport for its catering offer[i].
In line with current trends, this Danish catering format offers fresh bio health-food products, as well as gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian food. The RETREAT point of sale is located in the reserved zone of Terminal 3.
Alexandre de Palmas, CEO of Areas in France and in Northern Europe, stated, “This first foothold in Denmark serves to underpin Areas’ expansion strategy, announced in early 2016. This penetration into the Northern European market underscores our ability to identify the innovative concepts that attract major international airports”.
Leader in the travel catering sector in France and Spain, Areas operates in 13 countries in Europe, the US and Latin America. By winning this contract for Copenhagen Airport, a prestigious gateway to Northern Europe, Areas has underlined its ability to expand and strengthen its position as international leader in concession catering.
[i] The Airport Food & Beverage Conference & Awards 2014 & 2016