Love Your Earth

It means nurturing a strong connection and making the most of it. It means consuming responsibly, from farm to table, and providing sustainable services.
It means preserving its resources and respecting it at every stage of the chain.
It means supporting a responsible economy and fostering a virtuous cycle in favor of all living things.
It means cultivating talents and embracing diversity, nurturing potential within a rich and complementary ecosystem.
It also means nourishing and serving, living together, and sharing…

Outlook for 2030

Preserving Resources

Preserving resources taking action against climate change
Reducing food waste
Promoting reusable solutions

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Sustainably Nourishing and Serving

Providing sustainable services
Delivering controlled services and ensuring safe, balanced nutrition
Acting in the public interest

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Cultivating Talents and Embracing Diversity

Ensuring employee safety and well-being
Promoting career growth and professional development
Strengthening social cohesion

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Supporting a Responsible Economy

Rooting our procurement in local communities
Sourcing sustainably and ethically

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Commit to the Transition

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We set and track our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets based on scientific data to effectively contribute to limiting global warming.

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Since 2004, Elior Group has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact, committing to its 10 principles in support of human rights, environmental protection, labor standards, and the fight against corruption.


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In 2018, by co-founding the Global Coalition for Animal Welfare alongside major players in the agri-food industry, we reinforced our commitment to animal welfare throughout the supply chain.

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Elior Group is a member of the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC), a network of hospitality and foodservice industry leaders that regularly tests innovative solutions to reduce food waste.

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Elior has been rated at level B on this global environmental disclosure platform, which collects data on environmental impacts to promote transparency.

Outlook for 2030

- 1/4

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction

100 %

Sustainable Packaging

70 %

Nutri-Score A and B Recipes (or equivalent)

+20 %

Training Hours per Employee


Managers Promoted Through Internal Mobility

40 %

Women in the Leadership Committee

-7 %

Workplace Accident Reduction

-50 %

Food Waste Reduction