Our teams play a key role in decision-making and managing our company, ensuring that our actions remain aligned with our values and objectives. Meet the key players who make up our Board of Directors, the guardians of our long-term vision, as well as the specialized Committees that ensure the rigor of our processes and the compliance of our actions. Finally, our Executive Committee, composed of experienced leaders, drives the growth of our subsidiaries and our daily innovation with determination.

Board of Directors

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Specialized Committees

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Executive Committee

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The Board of Directors of Elior Group is composed of twelve directors, including five women, five independent directors, five directors appointed on the proposal of DERICHEBOURG SA, and two directors representing employees.

The Board of Directors has established three specialized committees whose missions and operations are described in the company's internal regulations and universal registration document: the Audit Committee, the Nominations and Compensation Committee, and the Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee.

The Executive Committee reviews and authorizes significant projects related to major operational contracts under negotiation, both in France and internationally, as well as the associated investment projects. It also does so for acquisition or divestiture of stakes, strategic partnership projects, and more generally, projects involving the acquisition of contract portfolios or business assets.