The goal of Elior Group, as laid out in its 2016-2020 strategic plan is to be the caterer of choice worldwide, driven by quality and innovative customer experience. With the support of all of the Group's 108,000 employees, this ambition is underpinned by a set of five values: employee recognition, loyalty, innovation, operational excellence and responsibility.

Employee recognition

Elior Group endeavors to respect and recognize the work of all of its employees. Indispensable to the success of a catering and services group, employee recognition fosters the professional development and involvement of all staff members and gives them access to new career opportunities.

Customer loyalty

The objective of the Group is to switch from being a BtoBtoC to a BtoCtoB company whereby the satisfied customer will tend to recommend Elior Group to its concession partners and clients. Here, the key focus is to satisfy the four million customers the Group caters every day. To ensure this, the Group can draw on its knowledge of its customers’ expectations and pay particular attention to their needs. Elior Group uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to gauge the level of customer satisfaction in all of its restaurants and Areas' points of sale.


The Group's differentiation strategy is underpinned by innovation and improving the client experience for its four customer categories (students, patients, employees and travelers). The Group has implemented Life4, a large-scale international innovation programme promoting the emergence of projects that are destined to become future innovations and impact the businesses of the Group.  

Operational excellence:

To pursue its expansion, Elior Group must capitalize on the excellence of its services and staff involvement to ensure profitable growth. Across 18,600 restaurants and points of sale, Elior Group employees are driven by the same ambition; to make every break time a unique moment for their guests.


At both the individual and collective levels, responsibility is shared by all stakeholders. Elior Group's commitment to responsibility is apparent throughout the value chain; with its suppliers, guests, clients, shareholders, partners and employees.  As a responsible caterer, Elior Group has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2004.